New Year - New Skin Care Habits

The new year is a great time to reset and renew our self care routines. They say it takes 21 days to make something a habit so try these tips and tricks to make the most of your skin care habits with a head-start before January 1st.

  1. Girl, wash your face! I love to cleanse my face at the end of the day when I get home. This way I’m not falling asleep with oxidation and makeup on during these longer winter nights. Top off a clean face with a comforting cream such as Cocoon Moisturizing Cream while relaxing at night.

  2. On that note - stop touching your face. It’s a tough habit to break but once you do you will never go back. Your hands can spread bacteria and oils and these can clog pores and lead to acne and irritation. 

  3. This goes into the next habit of keeping your tools and other face items clean. Clean your makeup brushes and cosmetic cases. Give these a weekly wipe down and give your beauty blender a rinse whenever you use it. I recommend wiping down your tools like tweezers, scissors and gua sha with alcohol and storing in a clean sealed container to keep them like new. 

  4. If you have had your blender for a while, swap it out with a new one every month or if it’s starting to show signs of wear and tear. This also applies to your face masks, pillow cases and sleep eye masks. Clean these accessories often and replace them if they are looking like they have seen better days.The oils and bacteria from your skin, hair and products can build up on these textiles leading to clogged pores so keeping them in good clean condition is essential.

  5. Invest in your skin care supplements and treat the skin from the inside out. I recommend a daily collagen supplement and we have a large container you can use at home as well as on the go sticks. This powder can be incorporated into your smoothies, teas or just mix with water. Also, take your omega-3, 6 & 9 and DHA Fish Oil daily. We have a vegan and traditional one available. 

  6. Travel light while keeping up with your skin care routine. Take your skin care on-the-go and never miss a beat with the Fine Line Travel Set. These convenient sizes will be perfect for your carry on luggage for weekend trips or longer adventures.

  7. Treat your feet on the regular. Don’t neglect the part that carries you everywhere. Try the Baby Foot Skin Exfoliator which pampers by exfoliating and moisturizing your feet.

I would love to hear what habits (good or bad) that you have in your self care regimen! Be sure to leave me a comment on this blog post or on Instagram.

Wishing you a very Happy New Year from Fine Line Seattle!


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