Hair Follicle Replication (Men)
Scalp micropigmentation is rapidly growing in popularity as a permanent solution for male hair loss, offering a much less expensive and painful alternative to hair transplant surgeries or uncomfortable hair systems.
Scalp micropigmentation is a highly advanced form of cosmetic pigmentation where the needles do not penetrate as deeply as they do with cosmetic tattooing. We use pigments development specifically for SMP that has been tested for 10+ years, not tattoo inks that bleed or change colour, as well our microfine needles are custom made for this use. SMP can be best described as depositing miniscule dots of pigment within the upper dermis of the scalp to replicate real stubble. Our technician will expertly analyze each client to determine which pigment, needle size, penetration depth & angle and distribution is best suited for him. Our signature style of SMP is a hyper natural simulation of a full head of shaved hair – we don’t go for unnaturally strong, straight hairlines that made some people shy away from SMP in the past. Our goal is always work that your colleagues (or even family members!) wont recognize as being anything than natural.
Why choose Scalp Micropigmentation?
Many of our clients turned to SMP after unsuccessful (and expensive!) experiences SMP for men surgery, creams, hair systems, supplements and more. There is good reason that SMP is the fastest growing solution for male hair loss in the world – this highly advanced, modern hair loss treatment replicates real shaven hair follicles on the scalp, so that even up close, you won’t be able to tell which are real follicles and which are SMP. It’s also a treatment that works on nearly everyone, regardless of age, ethnicity or extent of hair loss. SMP can help create the appearance of a thicker, fuller head of hair with a more youthful hairline that suits you.
How does it work?
The first step is to book in for a complimentary consultation. We’ll discuss your hair goals and our technician will make recommendations on what we think would best suit you. We will also go over a few health questions to help ensure this is a suitable procedure for you, and provide a quote for the cost of the full procedure. Generally, your treatment will take 3 sessions, each treatment lasting about 2-4 hours. The first two sessions will be booked about a week apart, and the last session will be scheduled for about a month later. The pigment will naturally fade and settle in between sessions and for the first 2-4 months after your final treatment. This is what we expect and want as this fading process will make your frontal hairline even more natural looking. Also, spacing out the treatments makes the process less noticeable to colleagues or friends you may see frequently. The illusion will be so realistic that even you may believe that you have a full head of hair!
Cost and Aftercare
At your consultation, our technician will provide you with a customized quote for the full cost of your treatment. While each case varies, in general you can expect the full treatment cost to be $2000-3300, plus applicable taxes.
It’s simple to maintain your SMP looking its best.
Moisturize and apply sunscreen daily
Keep your head closely shaved for a clean, undetectable look
Come in for a quick refresher every 4-6 years