Winter Skin | How to relieve dry skin from indoor heat

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Winter can be a challenging time for our skin. The climate both indoors and outdoors can have a significant impact on our skin and it’s important to adjust the way we care for it. The increased use of indoor heat can strip the moisture from the air and the chances of experiencing very dry or dehydrated skin are high. Whether you are using central air or lounging by the fireplace to stay warm, we have some tips to ensure your skin is happy and hydrated all winter long.

  1. Try a humidifier in your bedroom. This will help to increase the moisture on the surface layers of the skin so you won’t feel a tightness to the skin. If possible, turn down the heat and layer up. The less you use your indoor heat source, the happier your skin will be.

  2. Carry a hydrating mist. Keep one in your bag or at your desk so that you can spritz throughout the day. 

  3. Don’t over-exfoliate. It might be tempting to use a scrub daily but stick to the recommendations of your esthetician. Typically 2-4 times a week is plenty. Increasing your cell turnover when your skin is extra dry can lead to sensitivities, redness and irritation.

  4. Add an emollient. We love patting a few drops of facial emollient (Revival Drops - Multi Active Essence) to the skin after applying your moisturizer. This will turn your lightweight creams into something more rich for the winter climate. 

  5. Use a hydrating mask in cream or sheet form. Incorporate this treat for your self-care routine while taking a bath or watching your favorite show. It’s best to exfoliate prior to a moisturizing mask so create a mini facial for yourself a 1-2x per week.

  6. Take an omega supplement daily. We have one that is incredible and you can find it here (seriously-delicious-total-omega)

  7. Consider changing your regimen. If you are still feeling dry trying a facial oil, it might be time to switch up your cleanser or moisturizer for something more appropriate for this time of year. If you use a gel to cleanse your skin, try a cream cleanser (Clean Cushiony Cleanser ) and if you use a lotion for hydrating, try a cream formulation. (Cocoon Moisturizing Cream)

  8. Book a professional treatment or consultation. Our skin needs extra TLC this time of year so book a consult and treatment for your personalized recommendations. I recommend the LED with Topical Light Infusion

Stay tuned for our next blog that will have your skin ready for the new year and don’t forget to leave me a comment below!

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