Back To Basics: 10 Skincare Tips for Beginners

Back to Basics
  1. Makeup Remover Wipes. These makeup wipes do not replace your facial cleanser. I know they’re trending and all the brands have them but they were created for convenience. They were used by makeup artists to quickly remove lipstick or for correcting a mistake on clients. Tugging and pulling at the skin with these wipes causes irritation while also leaving makeup and buildup behind so please use them sparingly. They’re fine for an occasional late night and of course better than nothing before hitting the pillow but please understand that properly cleansing with a wash that is suitable for your skin type is essential. I love this for removing makeup.

  2. Don’t try this at home: extractions. AKA popping pimples in the mirror. This can lead to scarring, broken capillaries and even more breakouts. If you are suffering from acne, it’s best to care for your skin as gently as possible. Estheticians go through a lot of steps within the facial protocol prior to extractions to get the skin prepared for extractions. Proper hygiene and creating the least amount of disturbance in the skin is the goal so please leave this step to the pros. 

  3. Use tepid water, never hot to wash your face. So you’re freezing and you just want to warm up with hot water in the shower, well make sure to dial down the temp especially when you are washing your face. Cleansing with hot water leads to dehydration, redness and premature aging. See this article for more ways to combat dry skin. 

  4. Stop scrubbing your face. Make sure to use an exfoliation product for your skin type and at all costs, avoid scrubs that have scratchy and rough jagged particles with fruit pits. These literally tear the skin. I recommend this one, it has enzymes that gently lift dead skin cells of the surface and leave the skin feeling smooth without damage - not to mention it smells incredible!

  5. Don’t scrub with a washcloth. This ties in with the previous tip but I have seen the way people cleanse their face with a washcloth and it makes me cringe. We are not scrubbing the kitchen floor here. You can use a washcloth to gently wipe the skin but make sure you have enough cleanser and water on your face prior to gently wiping.

  6. Use a soft, clean pillowcase. Whether you sleep a few hours or the recommended amount of 8 every night (which is another plus for beautiful skin), our faces spend a lot of time on the pillow. Make sure to have a soft woven pillowcase, either silk or a similar smooth fiber to rest your face at night. This will help to prevent premature aging of the skin. If you are experiencing acne breakouts, I recommend using a clean pillowcase every night to counteract bacteria. Once your skin is balanced, weekly pillowcase changes are sufficient.

  7. Try an eye pillow. If you sleep on your side, the soft material of the eye pillow will help to hug the delicate skin especially around the eye area. 

  8. Don’t touch your face. Your hands have bacteria and oils that can congest the pores. This mixed with makeup and pollution that is already on your skin throughout the day is a bad recipe. The only time you should be touching your face is if you are cleansing or applying products. It’s a hard habit to break but once you try it, you will notice a difference especially if you’re blemish prone.  

  9. Cleanse your makeup brushes and sponges and face coverings regularly. You’re working so hard to take care of your skin, make sure you don’t ruin your hard work with dirty makeup brushes, sponges or protective face coverings. Applying makeup with dirty tools causes congested pores and breakouts so wash them with a mild shampoo every other week. Wash protective face covering after every day of use or use disposable ones. 

  10. Stay in the shade. So you booked a tropical vacay this winter and your goal is to get a tan? Well, you will thank me later if you slather on SPF and stay in the shade. Over time, that deep tan you came home with from spring break in Cancun will cause a breakdown of collagen, fine lines and brown spots. If you are seeing those effects now and want to reverse it, click here to read about my microneedling treatments. 

Did any of these tips surprise you? Is there one that you live by? Comment below!


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