Could Omega 3 Fatty Acids be a missing link in the treatment of Acne?

There have been recent discoveries in connection with omega-3 fatty acids and how the health supplement relates to acne. Studies conducted by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology measured the nutritional parameters of 100 patients diagnosed with acne and found that 94% had below-recommended levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

Before diving into the connection, it is important to know a little bit about acne as a skin condition and omega-3 as a supplement.

Acne by definition is the occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin; in particular, a condition characterized by red pimples on the face. 

Omega 3 is composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids and are found especially in fish, fish oils, green leafy vegetables, and some nuts and vegetable oils. Omega-3 is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and may be the missing link for acne management. 

The data conducted by this study confirmed omega-3 reduced inflammation by stimulating the production of prostaglandins E1 and E3, leukotriene B5 and lowering the levels of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) – 1, the central hormone which induces acne.

Times have changed.

The intake of oils for health reasons hasn’t always been favored. The 90s saw a huge marketing push for the narrative of “oil is the enemy” featuring foaming cleansers and a squeaky clean skin surface. “Oil-free” skin and “fat free” food were all the rage and everyone really thought oil was evil! As we can see now, that message was far from the truth.

See the difference for yourself with Fine Line’s assortment of omega home care supplements. Try this capsule product here or this liquid omega-3 here. Are you vegan? We have something plant based and perfect for you! Did you know flax seed oil is an omega-3 source? Try this delicious vegan blueberry one

Do you currently take a supplement you swear by for your skin? Let us know what you love in the comments!



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