7 Habits Of People With Great Skin

Do you think having great skin comes naturally? Well, sometimes “it’s genetics” but that can only last for so long before extrinsic factors take over. Let’s dive into the 7 habits that are all common for people with great skin.

  1. Nutrition. Great skin from the inside out. Consuming nutrient dense and antioxidant-rich foods will give your skin the vitamins and minerals it needs to repair and rebuild. A healthy and balanced diet is a great way to maintain your skin but I also recommend supplementing with these skin-boosting ingredients to make sure your body and skin is receiving the recommended amount of nutrition. Omega and fish oil, as well as collagen are staples in my kitchen. I recommend Fresh Catch® Ultra EPA-DHA Fish Oil Softgels as well as Seriously Delicious Total OMEGA Orange Creme for omega 3, 6 & 9.  If you would prefer a vegan formula, I love Seriously Delicious ™ Total OMEGA® Vegan Pomegranate Blueberry Smoothie which contains flax and borage oils. Collagen is the most important structural protein in the body, representing 75% of our skin and 7% of our total body weight. However, from the age of 25, we lose approximately 1% of our collagen each year, which causes skin to wrinkle, joints to stiffen and bones to weaken. Our ultra-pure TruMarine™ Collagen offers a high concentration of specific amino acids, which have been scientifically proven to help with the formation of collagen within the body. You can even try it in a convenient stick to always make sure you have your collagen even when on the go!

  2. Water intake. It’s no secret that consuming enough water is essential for great skin. Keep a water bottle around at all times and try a stainless steel over plastic to avoid harmful BPAs. I love to make a carafe of “spa water” in the morning to keep in the fridge, especially in the summer. Try cutting up lemon, lime, cucumber or change it up and include some raspberries. Top with ice and you have a hydrating treat. My fave is iced spearmint tea.

  3. Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke. Smoking causes the destruction of collagen and elastin which leads to the skin appearing much older than it is. This includes smoke from fires.

  4. Beauty-sleep is actually a thing. Have you ever looked in the mirror after a nap or a full night of rest and noticed your skin was glowing? Well, it’s because it was working hard repairing damage while you were sleeping. According to an article by Dermatologist, Dennis Gross, Between the hours of 11pm-midnight, the process of cell mitosis of the skin is at its peak. Cell mitosis is the cell division that occurs in order to renew and repair skin.

  5. Hide from the sun. Seriously though - tanning is not a casual summer activity for those with great skin. Wear your sunscreen and apply every 90 minutes. You can find really cute sun protective clothing, try Athleta’s collection and have either this tinted and non tinted sun protection formula on hand every day.

  6. Be consistent with your skin care regimen. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was beautiful, glowing skin! Consistency is key. We have everything you need to know about skin care regimens in this Fine Line article linked here: New Year, New Skin | What Skincare Regimen Is Right For You 

  7. Receive treatments from the pros. Want to have great skin? Book a treatment with us! We have a variety of advanced skin care treatments to get you closer to your skin care goals. We’re also able to direct you to the best regimen with consideration of your budget and current lifestyle. Schedule your appointment today!

Which of these habits do you swear by? Leave us a comment!


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