Mandelic Acid: The New Skincare Must Have

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Who knew an extract derived from bitter almonds has skin smoothing benefits? Mandelic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid that is used to help increase skin hydration, firmness and exfoliation. Know what else it does??? It helps even out pigmentation like melasma. This super AHA is known to be a more gentle alternative to glycolic acid because of its larger molecular structure which makes it a great option for sensitive/ reactive skin types!

What skin types and conditions can benefit?

  • Hyperpigmentation and sun damage spots

    • Brightening effects in sun damage and melasma

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

    • Helps to stimulate collagen production that plumps the skin 

  • Rough skin texture

    • Skin smoothing effects for a firmer and softer texture

  • Acne

    • Helps to regulate sebum production, reduce inflammation and decongest pores

If you have used glycolics in the past and they were a bit too intense for your skin, give mandelic a try. Results are achieved in as little as two weeks. You can start incorporating it in your home care with our new Mandelic Super Serum

Have you tried a mandelic peel or used a home care product with this miracle ingredient before?

Let me know in the comments!


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