The Spotlight is on Blue Light

Go ahead and put on your blue-light blocking glasses for this one. You are going to want them after reading this article.

Did you know blue light is nearly as powerful as UV light? Blue light is emitted through sunlight, fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs as well as LED light included in the screens of the multiple electronic devices you use on a daily basis. Laptops, monitors, cell phones, TVs and tablets all emit artificial sources of blue light. Yes, even that shiny new touch screen in your car. Most likely you are reading this article on your phone or your computer and being exposed to blue light. On one hand blue light is responsible for boosting mood and keeping you alert, however it also has a dark side and can potentially cause harm if one is overexposed. Let’s be honest, who really isn’t being overexposed to blue light these days?

What is it?

According to an article by UC Davis Health, “blue light is part of the visible light spectrum -- what the human eye can see. Vibrating within the 380 to 500 nanometer range, it has the shortest wavelength and highest energy.”  

Why is it harmful?

An article from WebMd confirmed blue light exposure can lead to skin pigmentation as well as changes in your skin cells including shrinkage while also speeding up the aging process - yikes! It certainly makes you think twice about having multiple devices going at once doesn’t it? 

How can you protect your skin?

  • Cut down on use of your devices in the hours before bedtime.

  • Use protective eyewear. Don’t worry, you won’t have to wear goofy safety glasses here because there are tons of really chic styles on the market and the blue light protective coating can even be applied to any lens you choose! We love Warby Parker’s options.

  • Adjust the brightness of your device. There are settings now that automatically switch to “Night Shift” mode in the evening.

  • Keep track of your screen time. The iPhone can show you how many hours of screen time you are putting in every week and this was quite shocking the first time we saw it. Make it a point to cut down your hours a little bit each week. 

  • Use antioxidant-rich skin care products on your face, neck and chest every morning like The Perfect C Serum and incorporate your vitamin A product before bedtime.

  • Wear a physical sunblock (one that contains mineral zinc oxide or titanium dioxide) as well as a hat and sunglasses while outside. We love this one here that is tinted and this one if you prefer one that’s invisible.

What are some ways you will start protecting yourself from blue light damage?

Let us know in the comments!



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